Core Cookie Policy
We use cookies, including from our partners, to enhance and personalise your experience. You can accept all cookies or manage cookies to choose which cookies we can use. Reject all means you are rejecting all non-essential cookies. You can manage your cookie preferences in your browser as set out below.
You can control how you use cookies in your browser. If you don’t know what browser you’re using, find out by:
- PC users: Go to ‘Help’ in your browser and choosing ‘About’.
- Mac users: Click on the Apple menu and choose ‘About’.
How to check cookies are enabled for PCs:
Google Chrome
- Click the menu button (three horizontal bars) at the top right of your browser window and select ’Settings’ then ‘Show advanced settings…
- Locate the ‘Privacy’ heading, and select ‘Content settings’
- Now select ‘Allow local data to be set’
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
- Click on the ‘Settings’ icon (looks like a cog) at the top right of your browser window and select ‘Internet options’, then click on the ‘Privacy’ tab
- Ensure that your Privacy level is set to Medium or below, which will enable cookies in your browser
- Settings above Medium will disable cookies
Mozilla Firefox
- Click the menu button (three horizontal bars) at the top right of your browser window and select Options
- Then select the Privacy icon
- Click on Cookies, then select ‘allow sites to set cookies’
How to check cookies are enabled for Macs
Safari on OX X
- Click on ‘Safari’ at the top of your browser window and select the ‘Preferences’ option
- Click on ‘Privacy’
- Select ‘Allow from websites I visit’
Block cookies
If you’d like to find out how to stop websites using cookies to remember what sites you visit, choose your browser from the list. This will take you to the browser’s respective page where you can manage your cookies and site data:
Internet Explorer