To succeed in business, it is critical to be able to estimate the future.

Whereas Accounting focuses on recording financial data already past, as CFO’s and FP&A Analysts we concentrate on understanding the financials of a company looking forward, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and avoid flying blind.

Management & Performance Reporting

We produce monthly management reports, key to understanding the current financial position and performance of any business. Having monthly visibility on revenue, margins, operational costs, profits, cash positions, outstanding debtors and creditors balances, or stockholding is a critical starting point in being able to plan and make the right business decisions when looking forward.

Business Analysis, Insights & Decision Making

Through the use of data and sophisticated analytical techniques we are able to provide critical financial insights that guide decision-making within a business.

Some real-life examples of this include:
• What are the key drivers and levers of a business and how do they impact financial performance
• Is the pricing model right to make the right margin
• Are all business units, products or services profitable, and if not, why not
• Where to look to improve productivity and what targets should be aimed for
• What is my business worth, how is it performing vs. competitors, and where is there room for improvement

We help businesses understand the financial impact of various choices as a data driven sounding board, leading to more informed decisions, and better financial results.

Cashflow Analysis & Management

Poor cashflow forecasting, analysis and management is one of the major reasons businesses get themselves into trouble or struggle to reach their full potential. We see this is a priority, ensuring rigorous cashflow planning and management, helping businesses stay resilient in uncertain times, adapt quickly to changes, mitigate financial risks, and facilitate growth.

Forecasting & Modelling

Forecasting helps businesses anticipate change, reduce uncertainty, identify the best ways to achieve their goals, and make future plans. It is critical in giving businesses the ability to be more proactive and forward looking, reducing risk, and understanding the path to acheiving their financial goals and objectives.

Budgeting & Planning

What gets planned gets done, what gets measured is improved. Budgeting is a critical aspect of running a successful business and involves forecasting and allocating resources to meet the goals and objectives of the organisation.

We have the expertise required to:
• Develop planning targets.
• Access and analyze historical and current data.
• Connect strategic objectives with daily processes.
• Link top-down targets with bottom-up budgets.
• Integrate and update financial forecasts as business conditions change.
• Perform multidimensional modeling of your planning and budgeting data.

Our team of experienced CFO’s and Analysts support businesses by leading the budget process from start to finish, producing effective budgets and giving businesses the tools to track how they are performing financially.

Financial Strategy

Partnering with businesses, founders and owners as finance right-hand and co-pilot, we help in solving a company’s most challenging financial problems, improving business performance and unlocking growth potential, through proper financial strategy, business assessment and planning.

Achieving Financial Goals

We match business strategy with numbers and develop a forward-looking roadmap to ensure financial goals are being met. And with decades of experience working in industry, not just on businesses but in them as financial executives and entrepreneurs, we help businesses get there too.

Process Improvement & Finance Automation

As seasoned business professionals we find ways to make existing accounting, finance, and operational processes faster, more accurate, more efficient, and more reliable. Through the use of cutting-edge software and technology, automation, and a drive for continuous improvement. Helping to increase productivity, reduce cost, enhance visibility, improve profitability, and stay ahead of the competition.

Compliance & Risk Management

We help business owners and directors sleep more soundly at night, ensuring that operations stay externally compliant with ever-evolving regulations and legislative obligations, as well as identifying control gaps and key areas of internal risk across the business and supporting in the implementation of mitigation protocols.

Ongoing Oversight of Financial Performance

Through Financial Planning and Analysis we provide businesses with the fundamentals for sound financial health and strategic growth, providing the tools, insights and oversight needed for effective ongoing financial management and long-term success.

Fundraising, Financing & Investment Preparation

Having now successfully negotiated the complexities of many rounds of fundraising and business financing, we understand how time intensive and challenging this can be, and our team of seasoned experts is here to take the load off.

We can support you with:

  • Working Capital and Business Financing
  • Devising Investment Strategy
  • Financial Modelling
  • Investor Decks
  • Business Valuations
  • Deal Structuring
  • Due Diligence

Financial Management, Planning and Analysis